Bob Dylan Symposium -  Vienna - May 19-21, 2011

“Refractions of Bob Dylan - Cultural Appropriations of an American Icon”

Vienna, May 19-21, 2011

Pressespiegel / Media coverage :

  1. (18.01.2011)

  1. -Deutschlandradio Kultur (19.01.2011)

  1. -Stadtbekannt (15.03.2011)

  1. -Wiener Zeitung (21.04.2011)

  1. -Interview auf (12.05.2011)

  1. -FM4 - Journal Martin Blumenau (12.05. 2011)

  1. -vom Falter empfohlen (11.05.2011)

  1. -Radio Orange: Eugen Banauch zu Gast im Jazz Cafe. (15. Mai,        2011, 12.00-13.00)

  1. -Artikel im Medienportal der Uni Wien (16. 05. 2011)

  1. -Tipp der Woche des österreichischen jüdischen Museums (17.05.2011)

  1. -Interview with Stephen Scobie: "Man muss auf die Stimme hören". (18.05.2011)

  1. -Bob Dylan Tribute in der Bunkerei - Music Austria (18.05.2011)

  1. -FM4 - Journal Martin Blumenau - Angst vor Bob Dylan (18.05.2011)

  1. -FM4 - Journal Martin Blumenau - Bullshit Bingoing, Going, Gone.

Die Angst vor der Reflexion der Popkultur. (21.05.2011)

  1. -Von den Stars sollst du dir Bildnisse machen. Die Presse (23.05.2011)

  1. -Dylans 70er - ein Nachtrag. (26.05.2011)

  1. -Ö1: Leporello  - (19. Mai 2011, 07:52)

  1. -(ORF: STREAM!) Kulturmontag (23. Mai 2011, 22.30)

  1. -Parkingmeter. Die deutschsprachige Dylan Seite (31.05.2011)

  1. -News report and photos US Embassy (31.05.2011)

Live Stream1  from the Main Lecture Hall. Follow all presentations, lectures, and round table discussions live! (Login with email address and name and start watching)

Live Stream2 from the Salon. Follow all presentations, lectures, and round table discussions live! (Login with email address and name and start watching)

A conference on Bob Dylan, almost directly coinciding with the seventieth birthday of the US-American artist.

from Main Lecture hall. Follow all presentations, lectures, and round table discussions at Amerikahaus.

Two and a half days, more than 30 international scholars, media persons, journalists and cultural critics investigating various aspects of ‘metamorphoses’ of Dylan.

Talks, discussions, and keynote lectures by Clinton Heylin, Michelle Engert, Stephen Scobie, Michael Gray ( , Martin Blumenau, Doris Knecht and  many more.

Music by Mika Vember, Bird People, Markus Brandstetter

Readings by Andreas Unterweger, Bernhard Moshammer, Doris Knecht

One strand of the conference with presentations and a round table discussion will focus specifically on Dylan and/in Austria.

Whereas the program  from Thursday through to Saturday noon will be mainly in English, the Saturday afternoon and evening (Dylan and/in Austria) will be in German.

In cooperation with Votivkino, Todd Haynes’ Dylan Biopic I’m Not There will be screened on Sunday, May 22 at 12.15. An additional screening will take place on May 29 at 12.30. Tickets at €7. For more info and tickets:

Bookstore at the conference venue and at Bunkerei:

Flyer Download

Poster Download

Other Bob Days May 2011

Don ‘t you dare miss it...



Impressum: Eugen Banauch, 1100 Wien,